Autor: Moore TK

Autor: Moore TK


Risikomanagement als Steuerungswerkzeug für die Unternehmensleitung

Potenzielle Risiken und negative Entwicklungen für das Unternehmen frühzeitig zu erkennen, gehört zu den Kernaufgaben der „guten“ Unternehmensführung und ist auch aufgrund der rechtlichen Vorgaben zu den Sorgfaltspflichten einer ordentlichen Geschäftsführung faktisch geboten. Unsere Erfahrungen zeigen jedoch, dass sich die

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European Transfer Pricing Brief

Recent years have witnessed a quickening pace of globalisation and a concomitant increase in cross-border business. In addition, competition between globally operating multinational enterprises (MNEs) continues to intensify. Digitalisation is accelerating these developments. We have also experienced an increasing amount

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Valuation considerations amid the COVID-19 Crisis

MOORE The World’s economic activities have become severely affected since February due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Governments have imposed travel bans, quarantine measures and various business operating restrictions to limit the spread of the virus. This has resulted  in

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European Transfer Pricing Brief

Recent years have witnessed a quickening pace of globalisation and a concomitant increase in cross-border business. In addition, competition between globally operating multinational enterprises (MNEs) continues to intensify. Digitalisation is accelerating these developments. We have also experienced an increasing amount

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Valuation considerations amid the COVID-19 Crisis

MOORE The World’s economic activities have become severely affected since February due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Governments have imposed travel bans, quarantine measures and various business operating restrictions to limit the spread of the virus. This has resulted  in

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